Due to ignorance and flawed planning laws in the United Kingdom, our historic environment is being compromised, if not destroyed. Millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money are being squandered, which leads to false historical narratives.

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Children do not ask to come into this world. However, when we bring them up, we have a duty of care, if we wish to create a more socially cohesive society. It must not be left solely to teachers. We must all take part.

 Children at Ellys Manor House

“We stand before you, like blank sheets of paper, to be informed and inspired.”

That must be with the truth.

In Britain, regardless of origin, race, colour or creed a child born here must know that this is home and that they, too, have a vested interest. The truth must be paramount and taught with a true understanding of our heritage.


It is inconceivable that an army of government quangos, with an abundance of PhDs and heritage professionals, all dedicated to the protection of our heritage, has produced an historical narrative that has now become a vacuous pastime, thus rendering it kitsch and mere pastiche. This is said without malice or prejudice to any one person, organisation or political party; I am an independently minded person wanting the best for future generations and our country.
We should all have concerns when we hear that six and seven-year-olds carry knives into school, and that some of our students are so heavily in debt, in order to stay the course, some girls AND boys have to succumb  to prostitution. Needless to say, if their degree happens to be in Arts and the Humanities, then it is worthless.


Ellys Manor House - an existing link to our national heritage

Ellys Manor House and Church Illustration

With an extensive history and timeline. this late medieval building and the adjacent 13th century church, together personify the wealth of England through the wool trade. This fully en-capsulates early modern European and British history, which also explains the Renaissance from both sides of the Alps, with a real timeline reaching back to Early Greece.

Filippo Brunelleschi’s domeFilippo Brunelleschi’s dome for Santa Maria del Fiore is a feat of engineering so revolutionary that it faced doubters at every step of its realization.

Chillon Castle, Geneva.

Chillon Castle, Geneva. Note the architectural language of northern  Europe.

Acanathus Inspired




The historical connection with Early Greece can be seen in the Corinthian order - which is acanthus inspired:



I do enjoy this little romantic story. A young girl died; her possessions were placed in a basket and put on top of her grave. Underneath the basket was an acanthus plant that began to grow. And because of the heavy basket with the tile on top, the acanthus leaves grew out the side.




Wall detail from Ellys Manor House

Detail of a section of the rare wall painting c. 1500, at Ellys Man-or House.  Note the acanthus leaves.

The deciphering of the Renaissance from both sides of the Alps is a programme I have been working on for some years, bringing it to the attention of colleagues around Europe. Sadly, in the United Kingdom, a lot of work needs to be done.

I should add that I am a member of Ancient Monuments and Friendless Churches. Our programmes include our grade 1 listed church, The Church of the Holy Cross, where we have held concerts, with world-class musicians, and give history talks. Now it stands empty, rotting away.


Culture and Art

I struggle to fathom how we can have laws that allow the parasitic under-belly of society that festers beneath the surface, awaiting opportunities to carry out their awful deeds. Human nature dictates, if these laws are to persist, then we must have draconian laws in place to keep the equilibrium. Often we hear that hackneyed phrase, “We will learn from our mistakes,” then let us have all the leading players back to explain their actions and, if found guilty, be severely reprimanded for criminal acts to the nation’s heritage.

We must send a strong message.

It’s extraordinary that so few people can appreciate the significance of Ellys Manor House. Our MPs, who in their time at Parliament, must have walked through St Stephen’s Hall on numerous occasions, where there are five statues to the men whom Charles I tried to arrest; one is of John Hampden, grandfather to our Richard Ellys, 3rd Bt. And that the London home of John Hampden’s mother, Hampden House, was demolished by George Downing when he built Downing Street.  

The sadness of what is taking place cannot be quantified: having people in  government employ, paid for from our taxes, who destroy our heritage. The children ask for the truth and they get theatre, which is very confusing.



Re: Ellys Manor House (EMH) – My Home, which is one of the most significant historic houses in the Kingdom, together with the adjacent church, the two, personifies the wealth of our nation. However, the ignorance of its historical value by those in charge of protecting it is Palpable.

I disagree strongly with the conclusions and adequacy of steps taken by South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) to protect EMH with our adjacent (Grade 1 listed) church of the Holy Cross and the barns. I have made my concerns known to Heritage England.

Until a few years ago, most people would have walked or driven straight past Ellys Manor House without giving it more than a second glance. It’s a simple, beautiful vernacular house, distinguished by its crow-stepped gables, in the village of Great Ponton, off the A1 in Lincolnshire. To learn more, follow the link: -  

I thank Mike Higginbottom – author and lecturer, for his kind acknowledgement.

However, EMH is not just about the wall paintings. The house has a tangible timeline back to early Greece.

As Mr & Mrs Welham and I (CM Taylor) names and my photo are in the newspapers and media, I think it is only fair that all names and titles linked to this sad affair, should appear for a fact-check, please see as follows: -

Head of Development Management Sylvia Bland

South Kesteven District Council: Mr Matthews Lee, Leader of the Council, Mr Kelham Cooke, deputy leader, Mr Aidan Rave, Chief Executive Officer, Mr Steve Ingram, Strategic Director, also President of Planning Officers Society in 2018. Mr Ian Wright, Principal Planning and Conservation Officer, and an affiliated member of Heritage Gateway (the architect to my woes). Mr Jonathon Short, Senior Enforcement Officer, Ms Laura McNeil, Support Officer (Planning Enforcement), Mr Lee Walsh, Planning Enforcement Officer.

Valuation Office Agency: -

Mr Wayne Cox, H. O. D.
Ms Diana Haines?

InvestSK Limited: -

Mr Steven Bowyer, head of Invest SK. Ms Claire Saunders, Heritage Regeneration Officer (InvestSK). Mr Andrew Norman, Head of Visitor Economy.

Grantham Journal Newspaper

Historic England: -

Mr Duncan Wilson, Chief Executive of Historic England

Ms Louise Brennan, Regional Director of the Midlands.
Dr Dale Dishon,

Mr Ian George – Places Manager – Lincolnshire County Council.

South Kesteven District Councillors & Councillor: - 

Councillor Bob Adams (and former Leader of the Council).

Councillor Richard Davies, Executive Member for Highways and Transportation at Lincolnshire County Council.

Mr David Coalman – Monitoring Officer, Lincolnshire County Council.

Ms Parker, Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman (not fit for purpose).

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government – Planning Policy and Reform Division,

3rd-floor Building, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF

Ms Theresa Donohue – letter dated: 9th – February – 2018  

Mr Alan C Scott, Planning policy adviser Letter dated: 10 – September – 2018,

P C Barr Grantham Police Station.

Chris Swistak – Lawyer.