News from Ellys Manor House

An English Wool Merchant

En engelsk uldhandler

Ellys - en engelsk uldhandler i Calais, da denne by stadig havde monopol på al eksport af uld til kontinentet. Ellys' motto var "Think and Thank God of all" (Tænk og tak den almægtige Gud). Henrik den 8.'s kronikør John Leland skriver: "Elis greatly risen by
merchandise" (Elis blev meget rig gennem handel) i sin liste over stormændene fra Kesteven i det sydvestlige England.

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Ellys an English Wool Merchant

The Ellys family.

From the wealth of the wool trade, merchants of the Calais Staple - sped their way into the aristocracy. Later, statemen, bibliophile, book collector and patron of scholars. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams ( wrote much satirical verse, and Horace Walpole professed to believe him the greatest poet of his generation), his poem on the Struggle to Succeed Ellys.

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The Ellys Bikling Library


Learning to Collect

The library now as Blickling Hall contains the accumulated books of generations of the Hobart Family, who have lived there since the earl seventeenth century.

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Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya, and Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Le Royaume Uni Et Le Kenya Participent A Un Sommet Majeur Sur L’education En 2021

Le sommet aura lieu au Royaume-Uni mi 2021 et convoquera les plus importants acteurs et decisionnaires dans le but d'envoyer tous les enfants a l'ecole.

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The Artichoke

February 21, 2022


Ellys Manor House - Who protects the integrity of humanities and the arts

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The Pomegranate wall painting at Ellys Manor House

The Pomegranate (as seen in the Ellys Manor House wall paintings - artistically enhanced), also known as the "fruit of the dead'.

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Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya, and Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kindgdom.

UK and KENYA to host major Education Summit 2021

The summit will take place in the U.K. in mid-2021 and will convene key global players and decision ­makers, with the aim of getting all children into school and learning.

Before the 'Summit' begins, we at Ellys Manor House (EMH), urge all leaders and partners of the summit to define what education actually means and remind them to think wisely on the significance of the Humanities and Art History.

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