News from Ellys Manor House


The products of Ellys Manor House have been featured in The World of Interiors Magazine in June, July, August and September editions in 2016.

Much of the work featured was inspired by the by the fabulous early 16th century domestic wall paintings up at the house.

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A painted fable
a fox
a hollow fox
framed with columns
trees     acanthus leaves
faded on dampened walls,
restored to new life
with passion and care -
a renaissance within

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Conserving the ancient wall paintings at Ellys Manor House At Ellys Manor House, we would like to say a huge thank you to everybody who has visited the house thus far (in the last seven years), and contributed to our wall paintings appeal. Due to your kindness we have managed to have a section of these important works conserved by Bianca Madden and Claudia Fiocchetti, two of our very finenest conservators in this field of work.

For anyone who does not know of Ellys Manor House and the important late medieval/renaissance domestic wall paintings in the upper rooms, I urge you strongly to visit.


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